Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Nursing Home Compare Tips in Connecticut
Although we provide Home Health Care in Greenwich, New Canaan, Fairfield, Westchester, Westport Connecticutt; the following are key questions we encourage you to answer to help you evaluate and choose a nursing home or care center that provides a good fit for you.
At a Glance
* Is there current availability and if not, when do they anticipate an opening?
* Are specialty services available, and if so, are they offered in separate areas of the building (i.e. memory care, rehabilitation, hospice, ventilator, etc), or blended in one area?
* Is the nursing home conveniently located for friends and family to visit?
* Do residents appear to be clean, appropriately dressed for the season/ time of day, and well-groomed?
* Does the building appear to be clean and well-kept?
* Are the noise levels in the common areas comfortable?
* Is smoking allowed in the building?
* Are pets allowed in the building?
* Are furnishings comfortable and attractive?
* Is the temperature of the building comfortable for the residents?
* Is the building more residential or institutional in appearance and feel?
* Are there private, quiet areas where residents can visit with friends and family?
* Do the relationships between the staff members and residents appear to be warm, polite, respectful and engaging?
* Do staff members respect residents’ privacy?
* Are continuing education programs provided for all staff members?
* Does the nursing home conduct background checks on all staff?
* Does the tour guide (admissions person) know the names of residents throughout the building?
* Is the nursing home staffed with licensed nursing staff 24 hours per day?
* Does the same team of nursing assistants (CNAs) work with the same residents on a consistent basis?
* Is there a full-time social worker on staff?
* Are there doctors who visit the care center regularly?
Residents’ Rooms
* Is furniture provided in the rooms, and what items may be brought in by residents?
* Is there adequate storage space (closet and drawers) for each resident?
* Are the rooms shared or private?
* If the room is shared, how many people share the bathroom?
* Do residents have access to a personal telephone and television?
* Are computers available to residents?
* Can residents have a choice of roommates?
Care and Services
* Do residents receive preventive care, such as yearly flu shots?
* Can residents continue to see their personal doctors?
* Does the nursing home have an arrangement with a nearby hospital for emergencies?
* Are care plan meetings held with residents and family members at convenient times for everyone?
* How was the most recent state inspection report and have they corrected any deficiencies that they may have incurred?
* How well do staff know the residents?
* How do they empower residents to be engaged in pursuits that are meaningful to them?
* Are residents offered choices for meal items?
* Are nutritious snacks and beverages available upon request?
* If assistance is needed, will staff help residents with eating and drinking at mealtimes?
* Are a variety of activity options available to residents?
* Are there outdoor areas for resident use and staff to assist them to go outside?
* Are there scheduled activities outings?
* Is there an active volunteer program in the nursing home?
* Does this nursing home have spiritual services that will meet your individual needs?
* Can you talk with other residents and family members to get their insights?
* Can you spend a day to observe life at the nursing home?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
American On Hold, Music On Hold Options
On Hold Messaging can be effective for nearly every kind of business and application, but sometimes music alone is what’s called for. That’s why we offer Music On Hold (MOH). You can choose from the many styles in the BusinessVoice music library, or you might opt for web delivery of our music programming. Either way, an MOH program from BusinessVoice can:
* Let callers know they’re still on hold and haven’t been disconnected accidentally.* Make a positive impression on callers.
* Shorten your callers’ perceived hold times.
* Improve your callers’ moods during service calls, or make them more receptive to impulse buys and upselling.We can also incorporate your jingles or audio logos into a Music On Hold program to reinforce your brand identity, and all for less than the fees you’d pay to a licensing agency.
Are You Breaking The Law?
ASCAP FAQs - http://www.ascap.com/licensing/licensingfaq.html
BMI Licensing - http://www.bmi.com/licensing/
SESAC Licensing - http://www.sesac.com/licensing/licensing.aspThe content in the American On Hold music library and all the music used in our Internet-delivered Background Music service are fully licensed. That means that when you have a American On Hold Music On Hold program you’re in complete compliance with all applicable laws.
We Give You Options
If you’d like to use music from the BusinessVoice library, you can choose from 11 genres. Click here to hear demos of the following music categories: * Acoustic* Classical
* Country
* Jazz
* Specialty
* Young Pop * Adult Contemporary
* Corporate
* Easy Listening
* New Age
* UrbanRegularly scheduled Music On Hold updates are delivered remotely or via CD, MP3, wav file or cassette. The number of updates in your program is determined by your calling patterns and your budget.If you choose our Internet-delivered background music programming you’ll have access to dozens of music styles, 24 hours a day, including these and many other categories: * Smooth Jazz
* Adult Alternative
* Big Band & Swing
* Soundscapes * Light Classical
* Solid Gold Oldies
* Smooth R&B
* Salsa Y Merengue * Today’s Country
* Soft Rock
* Singers & Standards
* AmericanaA Few More Things To ConsiderIn addition to requiring a license, there are other problems with playing the radio for your customers on hold or those onsite. Radio receivers can go out of tune. The radio station might air objectionable content or a commercial for your competitor. And radio programming features many interruptions each hour – DJ breaks, promos, news and other non-musical elements that don’t serve your company well.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Ways to get Affordable Health Care Insurance
17% of all Americans don’t have any form of individual health insurance in Oregon. This is what the U.S Census Bureau says. Furthermore, a good number of those who have any form of coverage are able to afford it only because of group health plans.
However, the number of Americans without health policies may likely increase because most employers are beginning to find it too burdensome to provide their employees with health care benefits. This is partly due to the rising cost of health care.This means that for most to have any form of health insurance, they’d have to fend for themselves. And, it will be a great help for such people if they can find such at an affordable rate. Hopefully, this article will show you a few time-tested ways to save…1) How much are you willing to pay out of your pocket each time you visit a doctor? This amount which you contribute is called your co-pay. The higher it is, the lower your health care insurance rates will be. This is particularly recommended for those who rarely go to see a doctor.2) Lose weight and you’ll enjoy more affordable rates. There’s something called Body Mass Index (BMI) which is used to determine a prospect’s rates. If your BMI rating is high, your rates will be high. That simply means that your weight is too much for your height. Do your best to shed excess weight as losing even a few pounds could put you in another BMI rating and result in lower rates.3) You can reduce your costs by obtaining quotes from reputable quotes sites. You will need to invest only 15 minutes to get quotes from 3 quotes sites. Some folks present information that are not quite true about themselves. That is NOT smart. If you complete the process correctly all you’ll have to do then is simply choose what represents the most affordable health care insurance quote for you from the list of quotes received.Thursday, November 4, 2010
Changes Coming To Medicare Part D
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Texas Medicare Part D |
Medicare Part D Changes
An anxious standing-room-only crowd gathered yesterday to hear about changes to the Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage for seniors.
“This year, above all years, it’s very, very important that you review your insurance,” said Kay Barbee, a Medicare outreach consultant for the Central Missouri Area Agency on Aging.
Barbee told more than 100 people crammed inside the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library that there have been significant changes to many of the drug plans. Most noticeably, last year there were 43 stand-alone drug plans available, but now there are only 29. Barbee said seniors should not be alarmed at the change, as benefits offered in eliminated plans can be found in others, but they should educate themselves on the changes, she said.
“From now until Nov. 15, you will be inundated with mail,” Barbee told the crowd. “My only advice would be: Don’t set it aside. Because there are plans that are leaving Medicare, there are plans that are leaving Boone County.”
From Nov. 15 through the end of the year, seniors will be asked to participate in the annual enrollment period for Medicare Part D. The popular federal prescription drug coverage program began in 2005. Whereas seniors once paid hundreds or even thousands of dollars for prescription drugs each month, most drugs are now covered for a relatively low monthly premium.
Monthly premiums on the prescription drug plans range from $14.80 to $113.30.
But the price seniors pay for this benefit is a system that is often difficult to navigate. Each year, seniors must examine the medication list for each of the plans to ensure their drugs are covered. They must also look at the premiums and deductibles charged and make sure their local pharmacy accepts a particular plan.
There also is a significant coverage gap in most plans stipulating that, after receiving a certain amount of annual benefits, the recipient must pay for drugs out of pocket. This gap in coverage is nicknamed “the doughnut hole,” and Barbee said it is important for beneficiaries to figure out when or whether they’ll fall into it in 2011. Beginning this year, brand drugs will be discounted 50 percent for people in the doughnut hole, Barbee said. The gap will be phased out in coming years until it is eliminated in 2020.
But many in the crowd expressed deep anxiety about changes to the federal health care system. When Barbee explained the gradual elimination of the doughnut hole, someone yelled out: “By 2020, we won’t have any coverage, right?”
“I don’t talk politics,” Barbee replied calmly. “I’m just the messenger, not the policymaker.”
After the meeting, several Medicare recipients said they fear that federal health reform will be paid for out of reductions to Medicare. “The administration, they’re intent on ruining everything right now,” said Einar Palm, 87. “Most of us just want to find out where’s it all going.”
Others simply seemed dizzy at the array of options available.
“That’s the whole problem,” said Ken Toler, 65. “The age of the clients is beyond the complexity of all this. And they need an individual that just kind of takes them through and directs them into the right program.”
Help evaluating the plans is offered by Barbee and others at the aging agency via a toll-free number: (800) 369-5211. Consultants will also hold two events at the library Nov. 22 and 29 to help seniors sign up for new plans. Seniors are encouraged to make appointments for those events by calling the toll-free number.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Dirt Devil Filters and Accessories
Your vacuum cleaner is probably one of the most important small appliances you own. Can you imagine trying to rid your rugs and carpets of dust, food crumbs, pet hair, and other debris without a good vacuum at your disposal? I can't, which is why I go out of my way to make sure my Dirt Devil is always in tiptop shape by cleaning it regularly and replenishing it with OEM filters and accessories when necessary.
Few people think about keeping their vacuums clean. Sure, we notice when a filter or bag needs to be replaced -- but that's about it. But you can greatly improve performance if you take a moment to rid the head of caked on dust before use and if you periodically inspect the hoses to make sure there are no blockages or other impediments. Also, you should use only original Dirt Devil filters in the machine instead of the cheap knockoffs that are out there. If you take these minor steps, you vacuum cleaner should run smoothly and reliably for years to come.
Sometimes it can be hard to find Dirt Devil filters at local stores -- especially if you have a model that is no longer produced. That's why I recommend shopping for these and other accessories online. You can find genuine Dirt Devil filters from the manufacturer's official website, of course, but there are a number of other options as well. Many Web retailers specialize in offering wholesale vacuum cleaner parts such as Dirt Devil filters, bags, attachments, and tools to consumers at discount prices. And don't worry about the "wholesale" part. You won't be expected to purchase huge quantities of products in order to score a good deal. The retailer has already done that, and is simply passing the savings on to you.
In addition to Dirt Devil filters and accessories, you can also find terrific bargains on the main vacuum cleaner unit itself. Many online stores stock a wide range of the very latest models available, and because they don't have traditional rent, employee, storage, and advertising costs to deal with, can sell these items to you at far lower prices than you would pay anywhere else. The one thing I would be cautious about when buying a vacuum online is the service agreement or extended warranty. You need to know exactly what the webstore is willing to do in case of a mechanical breakdown before you spend any money. You might never need to use the warranty, but it's still critical to have one in place just in case.
If you're looking for cheap Dirt Devil filters and accessories to keep your upright or handheld operating at its best, remember to buy genuine replacement parts, either from the manufacturer's site or from an authorized outlet. This will help ensure that your vacuum runs well for years and years, as it was designed to do!
Read more from the author at his blog
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Understanding the Main Elements of a Personal Injury Claim
If you are a worker who has been injured you may be entitled to work injury claim which is also known as a 'personal injury claim'. A claim can assist you financially by reimbursing you for losses and expenses resulting from your injury, but you can also be awarded for your pain and suffering.
Not all personal injury claims are as a result of a workplace injury. Other claims may include; being injured in a road accident either as a driver, passenger or pedestrian or if you suffer a slip or fall in a public place you may also be entitled to a claim for compensation.
Injury claims can vary considerably. It is very important to get advice from a personal injury lawyer who will be able to advise you of your legal rights regarding compensation.
The main elements of a claim include:
- The severity and permanence of your injury.
- Whether negligence can be clearly established.
- The economic impact of your injury (past and future) for example if you cannot work again you may be compensated for future loss of earnings as well as past losses.
Compensation aims to assist you by putting you back in the financial position you were in before the injury took place. As a rule of thumb whenever there is an injury and someone is at fault and there is an insurance company involved, there may well be entitlements to claim personal injury compensation. Even if you are attacked by a dog, providing the owner has insurance (if it happened at their home for example) then there is a chance that you may be able to claim dog bite injury compensation. Even in the cases of when there is no insurance you may still be able to claim dog bite injury compensation but it may prove much more difficult to obtain a payout when you sue an individual for negligence.
In situations where there has been evident negligence on behalf of the employer (or driver etc) personal injury lawyers can be worth their weight in gold. For example, if you had a serious injury at work and it has left you permanently impaired and the injury could have been prevented easily you may be entitled to claims that is ONLY available outside of normal workers compensation.
There are an increasing number of Brisbane lawyers for personal injuries, but you need to find one that offers you a suitable arrangement. For example a injury lawyer Brisbane may offer no win no fee service - but what does that actually mean? One injury lawyer Brisbane may offer no win no fee but still charge legal expenses, even if they do not win your claim for compensation. Our personal injury lawyers offer no win no fee and this means you do not have to pay anything until you are awarded your compensation and they will only charge you reasonably. Beware of lawyers Queensland who offer no win no fee arrangement but charge premiums to cover their risk.
By consulting a work injury lawyer you can firstly; find out if you have a good claim and secondly if your case qualifies for a no win no fee arrangement.
The author is a Malpractice Attorney specializing in accident claims in Boca, Boynton Beach, Jupiter & West Palm Beach.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
HVAC Home Improvement Tips
Having a home is one thing; but improving the entire house is another ball game altogether. When it comes to home improvement, there are certain factors that must be put into consideration. One major aspect you must consider in making your home superb is the area of regulating the temperature of the house. This is very vital as it concerns the health of every one living in the house.
Taking the right Steps
When you think of regulating the temperature or the weather condition in your home, you need to go for powerful energy efficient HVAC units. These are sophisticated gadgets meant to regulate the entire weather condition in every good home. Oftentimes, the weather changes without giving you prior information. The winter seasons could be very chilling. Hence, you need quality home boilers or heaters to control the weather condition in the house.
The Necessity of HVAC Units
The term HVAC stands for "Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning". It's a term given to various units that come as home boilers or heaters which are used in regulating the weather condition of the house. These unites are designed based on the principles of thermodynamics, heat transfers and fluid mechanics. The invention of these HVAC units came with the industrial revolution that swept across Europe and the US at the onset of the modern era. Today the units come in a variety of types and sizes. They are known for their usefulness in industries, companies and homes.
The Three-fold function of HVAC units
When it comes to home improvements, the HVAC units perform three unique functions. The first is the central heating of the entire house. This is often necessary during cold winter seasons. Homes and offices install such units to keep the atmosphere hot in order to foster healthy living. Secondly, the units are also necessary for ventilation purposes. This function enables them to regulate the inflow of air in the house. Thirdly, the units are used for air conditioning purposes especially in Summer times when the hot weather needs to be mild a bit. In fact the units are very necessary for the improvement of every part of the house including the bathroom.
Putting the Bathroom in order
In effective home improvement, bathroom remolding is also necessary. The bathroom also needs effective HVAC units meant to regulate the bathroom weather condition and also for the boiling of hot water. When you plan to remodel your bathroom, it's always very necessary to install quality bathtubs, showers, faucets, sinks, vanities and every other furniture that will go hand in hand with the heating and air conditioning units. All these help in making your bathroom look great for the use of your household.
Making the proper estimate
Having known the necessary gadgets you need for your house improvement purpose, the next step you must take is to estimate the cost of the whole stuff. It's always very important to budget well before you begin the work. Getting useful pieces of advice from professional home decorators and furniture dealers could be very helpful. In the final analysis, bear in mind that home improvement is very necessary for your entire family. Do you best to spend the much you can in making your home heaven on earth. By so doing, you'll preserve the health of every member of your household.
The Author is an experienced writer and publicist.